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Starten Sie Ihre Erfolgsgeschichte mit BactoAttaQ®

Der ideale Oberflächenschutz gegen multiresistente Keime, von unabhängigen Instituten getestet und dermatologisch mit „sehr gut“ bewertet. Für zuhause oder zur Desinfektion öffentlicher Bereiche. Erfahren Sie mehr.

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Sensible extension of hygiene measures

Doctor's office Prof. Dr. med. Kurscheid

Prof. Dr. med. Kurscheid runs a practice for general, sports and nutritional medicine in Cologne. Hygiene is particularly important to him due to his additional work as a preventive physician.

Praxis Prof. Dr. med. Kurscheid & Praxis Dr. med. Behle
Praxis Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Kurscheid MPH - Bonner Str. 205, 50968 Köln

With BactoAttaQ®, Prof. Dr. Kurscheid has found the optimal solution to constantly combat viral and bacterial hazards in his practice, even between cleaning and disinfection cycles. Prof. Dr. Kurscheid's practice is the first in Germany to be fully coated with BactoAttaQ®. This gives not only Prof. Dr. Kurscheid, but also his patients a safe feeling during their visits.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us

direct contact+49 (0) 6835 60588 – 22
  • As we have a very high customer traffic, the use of BactoAttaQ is indispensable to me

    Carsten C.

    Barrique Weinbar Merzig (Owner)

  • For me, BactoAttaQ is so special because it gives us a whole year of protection. It makes our work easier and is very time-saving.

    Adelina A.

    A&A hair salon Dillingen (Owner)

  • We have a hygiene plan [...] but also between cleaning cycles it is important to have optimal protection. With BactoAttaQ we have continuous protection for 1 year.

    Prof. Dr. Kurscheid

    Praxis Prof. Dr. Kurscheid

  • I can highly recommend BactoAttaQ to my colleagues because I have now seen in practical applications what benefits the product has. Great that there is such a product.

    E. Pusic

    Gusto Steakhouse (Owner)



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